Friday, February 6, 2009

Speak the Name

Today marks the 13th anniversary of Scott's death. What a joy to receive emails and messages from friends and family sharing memories of Scott. Most of the stories make me laugh; some make me cry. All are a comfort to my soul.

A few years before Scott died, another bereaved mother, Nancy Williams lost her son, Matthew. Shortly after her loss, she penned the following poem:

The mention of my child’s name may bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring music to my ears.
If you are really my friend, let me hear the beautiful music of his name.
It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul.

I love Scott stories! Whether they bring tears to my eyes or laughter to my heart, they transform my thoughts and bring me joy.

Is there someone you know who needs to hear you Speak the Name of a loved one?

Author Norman Cousin wrote, Memories are where the proof of life is stored. I can almost guarantee the memories will soothe their broken heart and bring healing to their soul as they know others remember the life that once was.

Take time to call, email or text them, and share a story.

Don't be afraid of their tears . . . Blessed are those who mourn . . . who bring their grief to the outside . . . for they will be comforted.


Tamara B said...

how come i only started to cry once while posting on my own blog. But, as soon as I see the picture and read your words, my eyes well up with tears?

Bonnie, I miss my friend. I can't imagine missing your only son. I shared about Scott with a lady at work today and she began crying and told me that she doesn't think she could make it if she lost one of her girls. She also told me of how her mom and dad taught her the importance of not letting the son go down on your anger.

I'd love to be there to love on you both today.

Amy said...

Missing him too and loving you deeply...

Kim said...

we remember....